
Table of contents

  1. Resources
  2. Interactive Guides
  3. Documentation
  4. Ebooks
  5. Web Sites & Blogs
  6. Newsletter


Here are presented totally free digital resources in web format (Web Sites, Blogs, …), ebooks and newsletters.

Note: All links have been tested. If a link does not work, the author has stopped providing the information.

Interactive Guides

No content.


Documentation Description
Azure Architectures Find architecture diagrams and technology descriptions for reference architectures, real world examples of cloud architectures, and solution ideas for common workloads on Azure.
Azure Well-Architected Framework The Azure Well-Architected Framework is a set of quality-driven tenets, architectural decision points, and review tools intended to help solution architects build a technical foundation for their workloads.
Cloud design patterns that support reliability Design patterns for reliability
DevSecOps Manifesto DevSecOps Manifesto.
Git Reference Git quick reference guides.
GitHub Docs Oficial GitHub documentation.
GitHub Licensing a repository Choosing the right license for public repositories on GitHub.
Microsoft DevOps tutorial DevOps introduction.
Semantic Versioning Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer)
Software release life cycle The software release life cycle (Wikipedia).
Understanding GitHub Actions Learn the basics of GitHub Actions, including core concepts and essential terminology.
What is DevOps? with Donovan Brown “DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users.”
What is DevOps? What is DevOps? (Microsoft Learn).
What is DevSecOps? What is DevSecOps? (Microsoft).
What is the Agile Manifesto? The Agile Manifesto


Title Author Launch date URL
Pro Git book Scott Chacon, Ben Straub 2014 Link here

Web Sites & Blogs

Newsletter Description
Azure DevOps Blog Official Azure DevOps Blog about DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps
Microsoft Developer Blogs Get the latest information, insights, announcements, and news from Microsoft.


Newsletter Description
Microsoft.Source newsletter Monthly developer community newsletter about latest articles, documentation, and events from Microsoft.Source

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Companion Material and Resources for Class Delivery by Ricardo Cabral